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Top Quick Senior February 2020

1Zlotnikov, Mikhail (11453015)70NJUSA2297
2Dubeck, Leroy W (10061083)80NJUSA2209
3Kelleher, William (10012571)70MAUSA2200
=3Hoffmann, Asa (10076994)76NYUSA2200
5Truelson, Nels W (10322022)65SDUSA2198
6La Rota, Fabio (12514000)69FLUSA2189
7Stoyko, Stephen (10050227)72FLUSA2187
8Kwartler, Lonnie S (10086795)76NYUSA2172
9Winslow, Elliott Charles (10363365)67CAUSA2158
10Simms, Gary (10403227)78TXUSA2139
11Wilson, Fred (10077508)73NYUSA2135
=11Bury, Michael James (10182964)70PAUSA2135
13Joelson, Michael (12051880)65OHUSA2124
14Nolan, Gregory Matthew (10158419)65PAUSA2120
15Baker, Bruce (11323634)67CAUSA2119
16Jacobs, Jon (10098068)65NYUSA2118
17Murthy, Pappu Ln (11038824)70OHUSA2117
18Pohl, Klaus A (10214033)82SCUSA2107
19Sherman, David (10190851)65DCUSA2100
=19Diebert, Charles M (10269181)65OHUSA2100
=19Katz, Michael S (12699061)72NJUSA2100
22Hulse, Brian (10078644)68TXUSA2099
23Brooks, John (10294380)73MIUSA2094
24Faber, Craig Allen (12417336)65CAUSA2086
25Kurosaki, Takashi (12501916)66CAUSA2077
26Multhopp, Hans (10285569)65OHUSA2075
27Williams, John R (10449979)70CAUSA2052
28Maser, Thomas F (10490936)77CAUSA2036
29Chase, Stephen M (10232937)76TXUSA2029
30Levi, Ariel S (10433592)66MIUSA2028
31Magar, Thomas P (10141222)65PAUSA2027
32Plutzik, Alan (10991129)69CAUSA2020
33Splane, Mike (10297079)66CAUSA2019
34Gilden, Larry (10170184)77MDUSA2018
=34Wooten, Aaron Glenn (12465013)68CAUSA2018
36Rupel, David (10509173)70WAUSA2015
37Gutnik, Aleksandr (16911191)65NYUSA2013
38Radomskyj, Peter (12460475)66NJUSA2008
39Kalfas, Richard B (10138361)78NYUSA2001
40Terrie, Henry L (10025265)69NHUSA2000
=40West, James R (10044812)68NJUSA2000
=40Grant, Douglas M (10099170)77NHUSA2000
=40Barry, Steven M (10100470)71NCUSA2000
=40Morrow, Hans M (10413818)84UTUSA2000
=40Hough, Randall D (10461138)73CAUSA2000
=40Pupols, Viktors (10511186)85WAUSA2000
=40Mackenzie, Randolph (10673062)70NYUSA2000
48Fuerstman, Leland L (10209137)72NCUSA1994
49Procyk, Marijan (12304570)67NYUSA1986
50Freyvert, Leonid (15388062)65NYUSA1980
51Rahm, Sri (10261074)70OHUSA1963
52Marshall, Calvin (10261465)65OHUSA1962
53Semel, Michael (12394665)65NYUSA1958
54Arluck, William S (10096588)77NYUSA1954
55Sussman, Leonard (10113814)77CAUSA1937
56Parsons, Larry R (10467853)65IDUSA1934
57Roth, Ted A (11366929)71CAUSA1933
58Sharp, Dale Eugene (10254451)66NYUSA1932
59Lu, Bernard (12556949)70CAUSA1931
60Regan, Mark J (10001439)73MAUSA1929
61Polyakin, Vladimir (12287160)74NYUSA1926
62Zutali, Wuyanbu (12398926)65OHUSA1922
63Gelinas, Charles Rene (11026290)68CAUSA1920
64Becker, Allen J (10481783)67WIUSA1919
65Brancic, Aleksandar B (12447888)72MAUSA1917
66Pendergast, David (10480159)66NVUSA1915
67Barth, Jeffrey Edward (11322280)68SDUSA1913
68Humphrey, James (11351298)70CAUSA1912
69Baluran, Alejandrino (12218060)67CAUSA1909
70Garner, Edward (12332420)69WVUSA1903
71Unruh, Charles D (12474516)66OKUSA1902
72Acosta, Mariano A (10529191)70ILUSA1901
73Nugent, Arthur P (10011191)78MAUSA1900
=73Stenzel, Harold (10095824)67NYUSA1900
=73Watson, James (10208246)69NCUSA1900
=73Stark, Gregg (10253136)71OHUSA1900
=73Parham, Bernard (10286514)73INUSA1900
=73Dehaseth, Pieter (10314917)73OHUSA1900
=73Ford, Sam (11225144)67ILUSA1900
=73Williamson, Warren (12469047)72AZUSA1900
=73Yavari, Paul (12623693)74MDUSA1900
82Demetruk, David E (10266955)65OHUSA1895
83Bowe, Bruce (12490975)69CAUSA1894
84Scott, William Monte (11150756)69NMUSA1890
85Wieder, Mark A (10074886)69NJUSA1888
86Lasser, Alan (10089387)68MAUSA1884
87Birguer, Alexandre (15057071)71CAUSA1881
88Gonzalez, Fidel (11113826)75CAUSA1879
89Hricko, Joseph (12553334)65CTUSA1878
90Williams, John W (10460565)69CAUSA1876
91Slive, Alex (10014522)66MAUSA1872
=91Pennington, Fred P, Jr (10390885)80TXUSA1872
93Chase, Philip Michael (10431018)67CAUSA1868
94Frumkin, Edward A (10136580)72NYUSA1866
95Delacruz, Gaudencio (10492092)75CAUSA1863
96Winwood, Joseph William (10139856)65PAUSA1862
=96Todd, Douglas L (10327814)68INUSA1862
98Slatin, David (10051622)66NJUSA1860
=98Buchanan, Richard W (10273030)75COUSA1860
100Lux, Joseph W (10101433)66NJUSA1856
=100O'Hanlon, Dan (11386334)71WVUSA1856
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
